
miniPress is a very simple and minimalistic implementation of a subset of VuePress/Saber.

miniPress is a mini-mal static site generator. It was created for educational purposes. Sometimes having something small and minimal (and probably incomplete) helps to get the big picture.


npm install @minipress/minipress --global
mkdir pages
echo "# Hello World" >> pages/
minipress dev

You should no be able to see your miniPress site by opening http://localhost:4000 in your browser and see the contents of there.

miniPress follows the convention over configuration paradigm and thus a lot of defaults apply simply by executing minipress dev:

  • All markdown files in pages/ are served as pages – the path is inferred from their physical path on disk.
  • All components in components/ can be used in any markdown file.
  • Custom layouts can be put inside layouts/.
  • The default theme is used.

Head over to the configuration guide in order to learn more details.

Built-In Components

miniPress comes with a few components that are globally registered. This means you can just use them without any additional setup.


MiniContent allows you to embed pages in other pages. You can use this for a lot of things. Here are a couple of use-cases to give you an idea:

  • Don’t repeat yourself: Imagine you have some kind of warning message that you want to display on multiple pages. Instead of copy and pasting the warning message every time you need it you save it in a regular Markdown file and then embed it where you need it by using MiniContent.
  • Use Markdown Features in *.vue-files: It is not that easy to use Markdown features within *.vue-files. Imagine you want to create a page that needs to use certain Vue-features. Great. You create a page using the vue-file format. But now you can’t use Markdown features like syntax highlighting, containers, etc. This is where MiniContent comes in. Simply store your Markdown content inside a *.md-file and embed it using MiniContent.

Name: pageKey

Type: String



Let’s embed a warning message in other pages. Create a file called

key: warning-message
> This App is still beta. Things might break.
key: warning-message

> This App is still beta. Things might break.

Now you can embed this warning message everywhere like this:

Go ahead and try our super cool new App!
<MiniContent pageKey="warning-message" />
Go ahead and try our super cool new App!

<MiniContent pageKey="warning-message" />

A component that renders a <router-link> but comes with Vue Router Prefetch-integration.



    <div>Before my Layout</div>
      <MiniLayout name="default">
        My Content goes here
    <div>After my Layout</div>

Global Computed: $minipress

By default, miniPress installs a property called $minipress on every Vue instance. This provides you with a lot of interesting meta data about your miniPress site (pages, heading, …). You also get access to some convenience methods.

$minipress exposes certain properties and methods which you can access from almost everywhere. You can access $minipress from

  • any JavaScript file by using this.$minipress.property_or_method,
  • any Vue <template>-section by using $minipress.property_or_method and
  • any Markdown file by using {{ $minipress.property_or_method }}.

Replace property_or_method by any of the documented properties/methods (see below).

$minipress-Instance API

Root miniPress instance.


Finds a page with relativePath = to and returns it’s path


Finds a page for a given path


Finds a page that has a given key


The page for the current route.


The site data



Give you access to the site meta data.


site also exposes themeConfig


Contains the theme configuration (as set via .minipress/config.js).


Gives you access to the currently displayed page.


Gives you access to the parsed front matter object. The object simply contains keys and values.


Contains the headings found on the current page. The value will always be an array with one or more heading-objects inside.

A heading object has the following shape:

type Heading = {
  level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
  // name of the anchor (without the #)
  slug: string;
  // heading text
  text: string;

Contains a key uniquely identifying the corresponding page.


Contains the name of the layout used to display this page.



Use $minipress.pageForKey(key) in order to get the Page-object for a given key.

  • Arguments:
    • key: string: The key of a page.


Use $minipress.pageLink(to) in order to get an absolute path for a given relative path. to should be the path to a page as it appears in your file system. For example,


basically returns the value for the href-attribute.

  • Arguments:
    • to: string: Relative path to a page as it is present in your file system.


miniPress comes with a CLI. The CLI is part of the @minipress/minipress package and thus is installed by default.

minipress --help

  $ minipress <command> [options]

  dev       runs miniPress in dev mode in the current directory
  generate  generates a static version of your site
  serve     serves a static version of your site

For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
  $ minipress dev --help
  $ minipress generate --help
  $ minipress serve --help

  --config <file>  path to config file (default: ./minipress.config.js)
  --mode <mode>    mode of operation (default: development)
  -h, --help       Display this message