# Components

The following components/plugins/mixins are available:

# General Usage Instructions

In general, components/plugins/mixins are grouped into packages that can be consumed individually. This allows you to incrementally adopt Vue Component Development Kit.

Usually a package exposes a Vue plugin that can installed by using Vue.use(…). For example:

import Vue from 'vue'
import List from '@vue-cdk/list'

Vue.use(List /* options (optional) */)

Every package that exposes a Vue Plugin also exposes a Vue mixin factory. You can use to create Vue mixins:

import List from '@vue-cdk/list'
export default {
  mixins: [
    List(/* options (optional) */)

# Options

All plugins share a common set of options.

import Vue from 'vue'
import List from '@vue-cdk/list'

const options = {
  componentName({ name, component }) {
    return `MyPrefix${name}`
  onDidRegisterComponent({ name, component }) {
    // Do something with `name`|`component`
    console.log(`did register component ${name}`)

Vue.use(List, options)
  • componentName allows you to change the (global) name of a component. By default components are prefixed with C.
  • onDidRegisterComponent is called for every component the plugin registered globally.